Competition Versus Creativeness

“Competition attempts to be like. Creativeness attempts to be unlike.” -U. S Anderson I don’t know about you, but I choose to be unlike anyone out there. We were each put on this earth with a unique purpose. In the entire world there is no one like you. Stop trying to be what you think others want you to be. Let’s stop being ridiculous, and embrace the fact that we are each essential in our own way. You have been living in the trap of competition for long enough. Why fight to have the same as everyone else when you can strive to obtain something different? Let go of the idea that the value system of the group is the same as your own. What do you value? What do have you to contribute that is good, and true, and unique?

Just as a painter puts paint to canvas with only his/her imagination and creativity guiding his vision, so too should we lead our individual lives. Paint the life you envision suiting your wants, and needs, not the life you see suiting others. It is only when we see value in our individual existence that we can look at life with creativity and wonder. We will take risks and explore every desire, every question, and every ambition that rises from within our minds. We will trust our intuition and resourcefulness, and know that every move we make manifested because we saw fit to make it so.



Ambition In The City


  1. I have a painting on my family room wall that states, “No one is ever remembered for fitting in.” I hope it to be a reminder to my children that in a world of mediocre normalcy, being different is not only OK–it’s be to expected:)

    1. Hi Kay,

      I love that quote. If you could take a picture of the painting I would love to see it. What a magnificent message to send to your children. It is clear that acceptance and love flows through your household. Thank you for sharing. Please visit again.

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