Life Coach

My Heart is Set on Abundance

Happy Matters, LLC's photo.

“At the Center” Original Acrylic on Canvas by Cristina Reyeros Visit for more of my artwork.

“Be careful what you set your heart upon- for it will surely be yours.” James Baldwin

Living the law of attraction is no easy task. It takes practice and a positive mindset. The universe will provide you with whatever you desire. Are you welcoming abundance into your life or are you obsessing over the things you lack? Making a conscious shift in your thought pattern can aid you in attracting the life you truly want to live. Be fully present and listen to the requests you are sending out into the universe.

Entertain the Possibilities: Just Start


Deciding to take action towards a goal or hidden ambition can be intimidating for just about anyone. When there is no telling what will come of your efforts, we are often hesitant to try something new.

Regardless if you are on the cusp of quitting your current job, entering a new relationship, or are just unclear as to where your life is headed; decisions and actions are a part of everyday life.  With every passing minute we are making decisions for our lives. While some decisions are fairly straightforward and simple, others require a lot more thought and preparation. How naturally does decision-making come to you?

Are you an over thinker?

Do you generally take significant risks without looking back?

Do you like to test the waters before deciding to dive in head first?

No matter your style, making decisions that can alter the course of your life is no simple feat.

One thing that my parents always used to tell me, which remains true to this day, is that we’ve got to start somewhere. When it comes to decision-making no matter how large or small, the decision to just start is just as important as the result you’re looking to achieve. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson When we can give ourselves permission to just start playing with an idea or ambition we tap into our courage, confidence and choice. We push aside any negative thoughts we might have and we create a space for our curiosity and creativity to emerge.

Possibilities and natural openings can only be seen when we clear away the clutter of our negative thought patterns. Think positive thoughts and the right path will start to present itself.

Here are a few tips on how you can just start:

Create a “To don’t List” 

Taking the first steps into the unknown is scary, but what’s even scarier is settling for the dissatisfying, safe and redundant. When you find yourself at a crossroads and you’re looking for a change it’s important that you first acknowledge those things you know you don’t want to take with you on the rest of this journey. Pack only those things you know will serve you. Starting something new often requires that you unload some of the old things that have burdened you for too long. When drafting this list be sure to include any limiting beliefs you know you currently hold that will only succeed in keeping you small. When we unload what’s been weighing us down we stand a bit taller, and see a bit clearer. Pack lightly. Negativity will weigh down but positivity has the power to propel you forward.

“Accept the fact that you are the pivot along which the loads of your efforts will turn. Acknowledge yourself as the chairperson at the center of affairs management for your dreams. Take the chair and be at the fore-front.” Israelmore Ayivor

Take an inventory of the things you value

Every so often I ask my clients to take an inventory of their values. This is a great way to get a visual of those things that matter to you the most. Values impact the way you live and work. They guide your actions and impact the decisions you make on a consistent basis. When you take inventory of your values you give yourself permission to review what course your life is currently taking. You examine if your actions are in alignment with your values and you give yourself an opportunity to make changes where necessary. When was the last time you reflected on the things you value most? Next time you start to feel like your life has gotten off course make a list of the things you value and take a look at how your values are matching, or, not matching up with the everyday actions you are taking. This is a great way to reprogram your life and refocus your energy on being true to yourself.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, 
Your thoughts become your words, 
Your words become your actions, 
Your actions become your habits, 
Your habits become your values, 
Your values become your destiny.” 
Mahatma Gandhi

Celebrate Small Victories

There is no victory too small that doesn’t merit some degree of acknowledgment. All too often we get in the habit of just focusing our energy on the END PRODUCT. Never stopping to acknowledge the minor victories that have gotten us to where we are today, we lose sight of the all important steps that lead us to our biggest achievements. By practicing being fully present we can slow ourselves down to take notice of these moments. These are the moments that help to keep us going. Small victories serve as a ray of hope when we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed or disempowered. Next time you find yourself working towards a long-term goal devise a list of the short-term goals you might organically achieve along the way. These goals help to recharge your batteries and help to keep your momentum and ambition alive. When you decide to take those first steps towards a new goal or ambition you already have cause to celebrate. You are listening to your future self and acknowledging that the journey you are about to embark on is necessary for your personal development. Your goals are deeply connected to your values and so keep them always at the forefront of your mind. Revisit those things you value the most, take the first step towards a goal and see things through till their completion. Celebrate these moments. It takes courage to take action and these actions no matter how big or small merit your acknowledgement and celebration.

“Nothing grows in the shadow of want without the sunlight of acknowledging your fullness.” Bryant McGill

Ambition in the City


If you’re not doing what you love, you’re wasting your time.


Quote by Billy Joel Pinned from.

Recently I read a wonderful article written by the founder of Muse. In this article the author asks its readers to ponder the concept of saving ones time by doing less. I am all about using my time wisely so I was immediately drawn to this article and the helpful tips it provided.

In reading Saving time by doing LESS, I believe the most impactful statement made by Alex Cavoulacos was that people need to begin acknowledging “what not to do, and what to stop doing in order to lead happier and more productive lives.” I happen to agree 100%.

As a life coach I think it’s important that people take a regular inventory of their daily tasks and responsibilities to decipher between the things they feel are really important vs. the things that are secondary to their happiness and ultimate productivity. We are constantly allowing ourselves to be pulled in a hundred different directions. What this habit often results in, is us being dissatisfied with where our choices have taken us and to regret those things we have yet to accomplish. Putting ourselves second by taking on what could ultimately be delegated to someone else or just removed entirely from our priority list only results in us drifting further and further from our highest potential. What should you be doing with your valuable time?

If you find yourself putting things off over and over again this is not an indication that you are a procrastinator, this could merely be a sign that this task is just not as important as you originally thought. Stick to doing what makes you feel alive and gives you purpose. These are the things that will make you get out of bed an hour early just to get a head start. It is these things that keep you up at night so you can add just one final touch to make it perfect. “If you are not doing what you love you’re wasting your time.” Billy Joel   photo-copy

What tasks and various ambitions keep your mind occupied in a positive and productive way? These are the things that are important to you. These are the things you are willing to put the time and effort into protecting and nurturing. As Alex Cavoulacos describes in her article it is important that we ask ourselves the questions she highlighted as they can aid us in gaining insight into how we are using our time.

Take some time to reflect on the decisions you make today and the tasks you decide to tackle. Are these tasks and responsibilities benefiting your ultimate growth and evolution or are they satisfying someone else’s agenda? How much more time are you willing to waste on things that aren’t necessarily important to you.

The more you permit yourself to engage in the things that matter to you most, the more you will recognize that your time is not being monopolized, but optimized. When we engage in things that matter to us we spend more time enjoying our lives and less time wondering what if our situation was different. Do yourself a favor and save time by doing more of what you love and less of what you don’t.

Ambition in the City

Related Site: WeWork

If you are in need of a space to get those creative juices flowing. NYC Locations

Ponder This…

What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?


When we can recognize what it is that makes our hearts sing, there is no telling our capacity to impact change in this world. Doing what you love is not only an open expression of the love you have for yourself, but of the love you wish to share with the world. When we actively ignore those things that bring us alive, we deny ourselves, and the world from experiencing our purpose. Love yourself.  This is not an act of selfishness. This is an act of self acceptance. It is the acceptance of your authenticity and greatness and this is something we all carry.  No one person is more or less deserving of loving each and every moment of their lives.  When we demonstrate love through our actions and decisions we connect to our truth. We step into our power and manifest for ourselves the lives we always knew we could have.  Love it up, and create change. In the immortal words of The Beatles, all you need is love.

Ambition in the City

Struggling with the Unknown

“Part ways with your perception of reality, allow the unknown and your curiosity muster into a visual you’ve never allowed yourself to see.” Elizabeth Lomeli

How often do we find ourselves struggling with the idea of the unknown?

When the unknown is all there is, should we really be stressing over what is in no way under our control?

Embracing what is possible is a way to balance one’s fear and hesitation towards forward movement. When we can take the time to identify what is possible, we open up a window to see what is out there for us. We provide ourselves with an opportunity to feel, taste, touch and even smell what could potentially be experienced if we just left our negative thoughts at the door and opened ourselves up to what could be.

Give yourself permission to wonder, to play to, be curious and to question the life that’s just waiting for you. There is no waiting for the perfect time or perfect circumstance. All we have is this moment. Look your fears in the face and speak to them. Acknowledge any inner critics you might have that are blocking you from taking action towards a better future. These inner critics only want to protect you, but what they also succeed at is keeping you small. Face them and break free of any limiting beliefs that have been dragging you down for all this time. You CAN and SHOULD experience all that is good and wonderful in this life. Open your eyes and open your heart to the unknown.

Ambition in the City

Happiness Challenge Day 6-7


September 13-14 Day 6 and 7 of the Happiness Challenge    

I am sorry for not submitting my last two happiness posts on time. I was sick over the weekend and was just not feeling up to blogging. While I was sick I did have an opportunity to recognize another important part of my life that makes me extremely happy. My mom! While my boyfriend was out of town this weekend I got to spend some quality time with my mom. Unfortunately for her I was sick, but she didn’t seem to mind too much. Regardless, we were able to make the best of a sickly situation and had a great time together. My mom took wonderful care of me and worried about me the entire time. Being that I am pregnant my options for treating my sore throat were limited. Mom was quick to make me as many home remedies as she could think of. She was brilliant and really helped to make me feel better. Over the weekend we were able to share one of our good old fashioned mommy daughter days. We went shopping; we ate yummy food, watched tearjerker movies and stayed up late together. It was just like the good old days. Even though I was sick I loved every minute of it. download (2)

Moms just always know what to do to make their kids feel better. I have such a great respect for my mom. She is always thinking and worrying about others. While I constantly encourage her to make sure she stops to do things for herself it is just in her nature to want to care for her kiddies and make sure they are alright. As I get closer and closer to becoming a mommy in the next few months, I now recognize that these qualities will no doubt pass on to me. I am already so in love with my little man and he’s just hanging out in my belly. I look forward to caring for him and spending lots of time creating lovely memories with him. While he probably won’t be into watching those tearjerkers with me I know we will come up with something unique to us that we can share together. These special moments are what life is all about.

“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” —Maya Angelou

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” ―Washington Irving

Ambition in the City

Happiness Challenge Day 5


September 12th, 2014 Day 5 of Happiness Challenge

1. Recharging my batteries makes me happy. Every so often I gift myself with a personal day. On these days I focus my energy on doing something nice for myself. It could be as simple as a manicure and a few hours of reading at a local cafe or a nice massage followed by a warm bath with some relaxing music. The goal is that I give my mind and body the time it needs to feel relaxed and appreciated. I disconnect from all electronics and I avoid those things that might pose as a distraction for me. I welcome these moments and am grateful for each and every one of them.


2. Practicing being fully present makes me happy. The older I get the more I appreciate being in the moment. I cherish the journey just as much as I celebrate the end result. I take notice of all the learning and growth that can often be found in the in between moments. These are the moments that have the greatest impact. It is amazing the insight one can gain when they just slow things down. There is so much to be noticed and absorbed when we practice looking at the world and our role in it differently. Take time to celebrate small victories, to learn from mistakes and to tell those who matter to you most that you love them. Embrace the now this is your life.

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” Mahatma Gandhi

3. Showing appreciation makes me happy. Whenever presented with the opportunity I always enjoy showing my appreciation to people who really help to bring so much to my life. No matter the act it feels good to be appreciated. I make an effort everyday to acknowledge the people around me for all the great things they do and let them know that their efforts impact the people around them. I don’t think people get enough appreciation throughout their day, but I am certain they are contributing to the world in more ways than one. It takes two seconds to acknowledge someone but the impact it can have on that person can be long lasting.

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” Voltaire

Ambition in the City

Happiness Challenge Day 4



September 11th, Day 4 of the Happiness Challenge

1. Music makes me happy. It always amazes me how a particular song can impact me in such a powerful way. No matter where I am, certain songs have a way of transporting me back in time. Whether they help me to remember a loved one or empower me to keep fighting the good fight, music has a very special place in my heart. I still remember all the songs I used to listen to during those long drives with my mom on our mommy, daughter days. The song that was playing when I first got my heart-broken and the songs that remind me of those people who are longer by my side. Music comforts me in times of struggle and bring me closer to my power when I feel as though my situation appears hopeless. No matter the style of music, I can always I can always count on its ability to move me. I admire the individuals who create such works of art and I appreciate them for bringing such beauty to this world.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” Plato

2. Embracing my emotions makes me happy. As a cancer I am by nature an emotional person. Rarely can I ever hold back  or hide the way I feel. Often sympathetic to other feelings, I struggle at times with the idea that I must take on others emotions as my own. While I recognize this within myself it is not an easy task to master. Everyday I welcome the emotions that stir from within me. I embrace and acknowledge them in the moment and do my very best to share my feelings whenever appropriate. Ignoring or pushing these feelings down has never served me. Historically it has only led me to brood over the things that make me unhappy. This only serves as a barrier to forward movement. Today I consistently practice embracing my truth. Whether pleasant or unpleasant our emotions are meant to be heard. They guide us to authenticity and to greater learning.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” Helen Keller

3. Practicing self-love make me happy. As a life coach I encounter quite a number of people whom struggle to love themselves. “I am not enough” is often a common theme I hear coming from individuals. Practicing self-love takes a lot of effort in a society that is constantly comparing you to others. Stepping out as a unique individual takes courage. I find that tag lines and mantra’s often aid me in my practice towards self-love. It is easy to fall into the habit of being overly critical of oneself, but it takes practice and patience to acknowledge the good we all have within us. Everyday I choose an area or quality in myself that needs attention and love. I focus my energy on building that area up and giving it the love and support it needs to overcome any of my negative thought patterns. I will repeat these positive words to myself from the start of my day. It sets the tone for the way I show up to the world and in addition, how I show up for myself. Learning to love oneself is not selfish in any way. It is healthy and absolutely necessary. We should be our greatest supporters and we should love who we are no matter what. 

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.” Aberjhani 

 “I am powerful in my love for myself. The truth of my being is I love myself exactly as I am. I honor my empowered heart.” Amy Leigh Mercree


Ambition in the City


7 Day Happiness Challenge Day 3


September 10th, 2014 Day 3 of the Happiness Challenge

1. Having a strong support system makes me happy. I am blessed to have a small but very special group of people in my life that I can always looks to for support. They are my shoulders to cry on, my sounding boards to vent to, and my most appreciated teachers. I love them dearly and I could not imagine my life without them. While they don’t always tell me what I want to hear, they tell me what I need to hear and this is invaluable.  I am grateful for their honesty, their empathy, their patience, and above all their unconditional love. Everyone could benefit from having someone in their corner and I’m lucky I have you all. 

“Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. For we are connected, one and all.” Deborah Day

2. Solitude makes me happy. Every so often one just needs a little time to themselves. Some time to regroup, to sit in silence and to reflect on life. I welcome moments like these as they can serve as times of healing. All too often we allow ourselves to be consumed by trivial things that do not serve us. We forget that we too need attention and care. I gift my self with moments of solitude as often as I can. It is good for my soul and it brings forth moments if clarity and renewed energy. 

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” Michel de Montaigne

3. Painting makes me happy. Since the start of my pregnancy a lot of my painting has been put on hold. While I have not been able to work on larger scale pieces like I used to, I have been able to work on a few small watercolor images that I hope to one day give to my baby. It brings me to so much joy to paint. I get lost in my projects and time just seems to fly by. While I love seeing the final product I find that The in between time is the most fun. I strategize and play, I make mistakes and realize new options and overall  I just enjoy being in the moment. Art is absolutely magical. It warms my heart to know that the pieces I have created for my son will be hanging in his nursery soon. Mommy made them especially for him and I hope he likes them. Soon enough we’ll be painting together. 

“Painting is the silence of thought and the music of sight.” Orhan Pamuk

Ambition in the City 


7 Day Happiness Challenge Day 2


September 9th, 2014 Day 2 of the Happiness Challenge10653798_941618377382_1166861898855992089_n

1. Today I am happy for my health. I am grateful that my body is responding well to my pregnancy and that both mommy and baby are doing just fine. It is amazing to see how quickly my motherly instinct to protect has developed. I so look forward to nurturing my little man and keeping him safe. I am more mindful of my surroundings everyday and am more cognizant to welcome good health, peace and tranquility into my life. “Our environment, the world in which we live and work is a mirror of our attitude and expectations.” -Earl Nightingale I welcome a positive environment where I can be nurtured, can nurture others and thrive. 

images (2)2. Learning makes me happy. When I was younger I would always say that my dream was to be a lifetime student. I remember always being curious about the world and about my future role in it. I found it difficult to pick one particular interest that I was drawn to and found that I dabbled in lots of different areas. Choosing just one thing to focus my attention on always felt so restricting. I find that my list of interests is endless these days. I am drawn to art, to people, to history, to science, to music, to spirituality, to nature, to travel…etc. I thirst for knowledge and look for every opportunity I can get to learn and grow in this life time. One doesn’t stop learning when they leave school. There is so much more to uncover if you just choose to be curious. Life is a an endless cycle of learning and transformation. I seek out and welcome any experience that will bring forth additional knowledge and continued evolution. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi images (6)

3. Being playful makes me happy. As much as I love a good conversation among mature adults, I find that I love being playful with people around me. Not only do I think it keeps you young, but it permits people to see a side of you that is innocent and free of judgment. It is not easy for many adults to tap into this side of themselves. It is almost as if their inner child has been locked up and left to collect dust. I say let your inner child out to play every once in a while! There is nothing wrong with focusing your day on both the things you find useful/necessary and the things you find pleasant. Attacking life in this way will leave you with very little regret and a life full of beautiful experiences. “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Plato 

Ambition in the City