
Ponder This…

What will you STOP rejecting and what will you START embracing? 


Illustration Credit: suzannerivard.com





Competition Versus Creativeness

“Competition attempts to be like. Creativeness attempts to be unlike.” -U. S Anderson I don’t know about you, but I choose to be unlike anyone out there. We were each put on this earth with a unique purpose. In the entire world there is no one like you. Stop trying to be what you think others want you to be. Let’s stop being ridiculous, and embrace the fact that we are each essential in our own way. You have been living in the trap of competition for long enough. Why fight to have the same as everyone else when you can strive to obtain something different? Let go of the idea that the value system of the group is the same as your own. What do you value? What do have you to contribute that is good, and true, and unique?

Just as a painter puts paint to canvas with only his/her imagination and creativity guiding his vision, so too should we lead our individual lives. Paint the life you envision suiting your wants, and needs, not the life you see suiting others. It is only when we see value in our individual existence that we can look at life with creativity and wonder. We will take risks and explore every desire, every question, and every ambition that rises from within our minds. We will trust our intuition and resourcefulness, and know that every move we make manifested because we saw fit to make it so.



Ambition In The City

Take Time to Care for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Do you strive to reach the next level of living? Are you ready to challenge the status quo? If you refuse to settle for average and want more out of life inbox me to schedule a coaching session. Check out my make an appointment page if interested or find me on my Google Helpouts listing @ https://helpouts.google.com/112504367928596215435/ls/a0c7f32bbfdde222?gclid=CJyeu93FhbsCFc5FMgodESkALQ&gclsrc=aw.ds


Ambition In The City

Appreciate your Voice


Appreciate your voice. It is the reason for your existence.  All of us were put on this earth because we each serve an essential purpose. Regardless of our profession, religion, gender, sexuality, or economic status, we are each powerful in our own unique way. Gifted with a voice to impart our thoughts, ideas, and dreams to impact change, there are no limits to the power we carry within us. Share your voice with the world. Impart upon us your innate wisdom and divinity. What you have the capacity to contribute should not be kept hidden or locked away. Have faith that what you came here to do is something unique unto you. This voice is yours to use everyday. How you choose to use it is solely up to you.

In a world full of comparison, competition, envy, and self-doubt it comes as no surprise that so many of us feel limited in our capacity to use our voice to reach new heights. We lock away what we fear might not be understood by the masses. We keep ourselves small and allow for our voices to become only a whisper among the crowd.  When we lock away these voices, we lock away our own capacity to attain self-actualization. We take on the voices of others and trade our authenticity for a life dictated by the judgments and ideas of others. This is not a life. This is the imprisonment of a soul.

Ambition In The City


“You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”

Louise Hay


I acknowledge my own self-worth; my confidence is soaring. I challenge all of you to believe these words and really step into them today.

All too often we begin our day with self-sabotaging thoughts that tend to keep us small. We bring ourselves down because somewhere, somehow we have been convinced to believe we are not enough. STOP CRITICIZING YOURSELF!

While no one person is the same, we are all yearning to be accepted. When we accept our authenticity and greatness we leave little to no room for competition. We stop making comparisons, and live fully without fear or doubt of exposing our true selves. Thoughts of not being, doing, or having what others have lose their power and we slowly begin to take pride in what we ourselves can contribute to this world. There is purpose in our individual existence. Stop fighting so hard to fit in when your purpose is to stand out. No one person is more or less than the other. Believe this each and every day and watch as the circumstances of your life begin to change.

Look at yourself in the mirror today. Accept yourself as you are, and love that person with all your heart. You are more than enough!

 “Let today be the day you love yourself enough to no longer just dream of a better life; let it be the day you act upon it.” Steve Maraboli

Ambition In The City

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

imagesThank you Naresh @ Reflections: Ankit Chhibber’s Blog for this award. I really appreciate this lovely compliment.

The award rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
4. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

And, I nominate these 15 bloggers……

1. Dyan Diamond @ dyandiamond

2. Kikibee @ Thegirlwiththescorpiontattoo

3. Keladelaide @ FreeLittleWords

4. imhotbutimhuman 

5. Dudzi @ Scribbles and Thoughts 

6. Summer @ GrowYourInnerSelf

7. Kerri @ KerriChronicles 

8. Jonae @ VictoriousExhortations

9. Uwana @ Uwana

10. Sashakiana @ Unlockyourself

11.  whocouldknowthen

12. Mary @ lifeisfullofsweetspots

13. Janice @ JANICE

14. Watchfulsavvy

15. Ubiquity 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of my lovely readers. Thank you for all your support and feedback.  Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Ponder This

Take some time to look at yourself in the mirror this morning. What do you see?
Photo: Take some time to look at yourself in the mirror this morning. What do you see?
Ambition In The City 

Dream. Believe. Unlock.

Cristina Reyeros Coaching

Do you find yourself at a crossroads in life and are in search of some clarity and direction? I am looking to build my life coaching practice with open-minded  and highly motivated individuals eager to be agents of change in their own lives. I am offering a complimentary life coaching session to all friends, family and acquaintances interested in unlocking the best version of themselves. If you feel that you are ready and willing to step into your power by awakening your creativity and curiosity then take the first step towards change and email me at creyeros@gmail.com 


“Magic is a sudden opening of the mind to the wonder of existence. It is a sense that there is much more to life than we usually recognize; that we do not have to be confined by the limited views that our family, our society, or our own habitual thoughts impose on us; that life contains many dimensions, depths, textures, and meanings extending far beyond our familiar beliefs and concepts.” ~ John Welwood

Liebster Award: Thank You For This Nomination

I’d like to thank PermacultureProcess for nominating my blog for the Liebster Blog Award. I feel so humbled by this sweet gesture. I enjoyed answering your fun questions and also appreciate having this opportunity to nominate blogs that I have been admiring for the past few months. I am so proud of my blog and hope that it continues to touch people in a positive way. Thank you again.

Rules of the Liebster Award:


1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.

3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 bloggers who you feel deserve to be noticed. These blogs must have 200 followers or less. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been nominated by you.

4. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog. Post all the items listed in item 2 on your blog also.

My Responses to PermacultureProcess:

1. Do you have a  Bucket List… and why?

I do have a bucket list. I have a great many ambitions in life and I hope to work towards each and every one of them. It’s always nice to have your dreams and hopes written down. They serve as a friendly reminder of what holds value for you. Sometimes we need to be reminded of these types of things. It’s very easy to get lost in ones fast paced life and I find my bucket list helps to keep me grounded.  I like to look it over every once in a while to bring me back to the things I want to experience most in life. Whether the items on my list are small or large the feeling one gets from crossing something off of their bucket list is amazing! This year ill be crossing two items off and that’s a beautiful thing.

2. (if YES to no. 1) – What’s the last thing you crossed off your bucket list?

The last thing I crossed off my bucket list was to visit Paris. This came off the list about a year and a half ago. Paris was a place I had wanted to visit since childhood, so it was amazing to finally have the opportunity to go. Since this trip I have added several new destinations I would like to someday see. Anything is possible you just have to believe it. 222721_591009929522_3610874_n

3. What personality trait do you love the most about yourself?

I have to say my ambition is a personality trait I love most. It has pushed me to strive towards making a difference in this world and  it empowers me each and everyday to work at becoming the best possible version of myself that I can be.

4. Do you like where you work right now?

I enjoy where I work very much. No day is the same, which I love, and I get to help children and families to experience positive changes in their lives. No matter where life takes me career wise I will be content as long as the position enables me to help others.

5. What’s the last thing you photographed? (With iPhone or otherwise)

The last thing I photographed was my dog/son Samuel. He turned 12 on February 26th and I just love him to bits. I have had Sam since he was a puppy. He has been by my side through some very tough times. He is just one of those little men that will always have a special place in my heart. 2006_752578380052_555266810_n

6. Why do you blog?

I blog because I want to explore my new-found passion for writing and for sharing my thoughts and life experiences with others. While I aspire to someday be an impactful transformational coach, I have come to realization that my writing may in someway help to coach people whom I may never meet. Whether they are impacted by the content of my blog or by a few comments we might share with one another,  is my lives goal to help others look at life with wonder and curiosity.

7. What’s your favorite hobby?

Writing has become my all time favorite thing in the last few months. I can write just about anywhere so I try to take advantage when inspiration strikes. Throughout my day you can be sure that I always have a notebook and pen handy. I have really come to enjoy this hobby over the last few months and cannot wait to see where this new found passion takes me.

8. How would you “spiritually” describe yourself?

I’m slowly coming into my own when it comes to spirituality. I believe there is power in all of us and that it should be cherished and nurtured. As I begin to dive deeper and deeper into myself I am uncovering a new-found interest in spirituality and wonder. This curiosity is all very new to me but I am embracing it and letting it guide me to unchartered territory. Where the journey will lead me I do not know, but I am excited to find out.


9. What did you eat for breakfast? 

Oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas with a cup of chai tea. It was delicious!

10. What are your minor addictions? (ie. coffee, foodm bloggin…lol)

BREAD!! It’s so bad, but its so good at the same time. 🙂

11. Who is currently your favorite singer/band?

John Legend is my favorite singer. I adore his music. His lyrics are just so beautiful and honest. I can listen to him everyday.

11 Random Facts about me:

1. I will be learning how to swim this summer. (An item that has been on my bucket list for  a while now.)

2. I will be traveling to the Amalfi Coast this coming May. (Another item that has been on my bucket list for almost 10 years now.)

3. I have a 12 year old Bichon Frise named Samuel that I absolutely adore.(Picture above. My little cutie! )

4. I prefer summer to winter. The cold drives me crazy and I dislike wearing layers very much.

5. I am currently reading 6 books. I have never done this before but it feels great! I’m learning a lot.

6. I am a mommys girl all the way. I love you mom!

7. I am the baby in my family. I have two older brothers that I couldn’t live without.

8. I recently celebrated my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend. Love you!

9. I love cycling and cannot wait for spring so I can ride my bike along the West Side Highway again.

10. I love all things Disney. I have visited Disney World at least once a year for the last 28 years.

11. I have a Masters of Science in Psychology and am a certified Child Life Specialist.

My 11 Questions for my nominees are:

1.Whats the best book you’ve read recently?

2.Why do you blog?

3. What have you learned recently that you would like to share with others?

4.If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

5.What would you say is your greatest accomplishment in life thus far?

6.What is your favorite childhood toy?

7.What’s your favorite season?

8.What’s one or your favorite family traditions?

9. What’s one of your favorite guilty pleasures?

10. What did you have for dinner?

11.What do you want to be when you grow up?

My 11 Nominees Are:

1. http://stephaniedunn86.wordpress.com from My Universe Within

2.http://jaymoli.wordpress.com from Echoes of the Heart

3.http://awesomeelo.wordpress.com from Awesome Elo Life, Hope and The Pursuit of Happiness

4.http://bloggingonthebrightside.wordpress.com from Blogging on The Brightside

5.http://inspirationenergy.wordpress.com from Inspirationenergy

6.http://kashaglazebrook.com from The Divine Daily

7.http://thinkrainbows.com from Think Rainbows

8. http://mysteriouslyquiet.wordpress.com from It’s My Life Step By Step Toward Happiness

9.http://marinixwriter.wordpress.com/page/2/ from Marinixwriter

10.http://implicitjoy.wordpress.com from Implicit Joy

11.http://relaxedsoulhappymind.wordpress.com from Relaxed Soul, Happy Mind

Competition is a …


As I attended a 6:30 am Bikram yoga class this morning I observed an interesting set of behaviors playing out between my fellow yoga mates. For the purposes of setting the scene, I would like to just mention 6:30 am is not my usual yoga time. I prefer to attend classes at 8:30 am or 9:30 am in order to be in a smaller class setting.  The smaller classes tend to have around 6-9 people in attendance. I like to think these smaller classes provide the attendees with individual attention for learning and growth, hence my reason for liking them. Might I also mention the added bonus, this particular type of yoga is practiced in a room that usually reaches temperatures of or around 105 degrees.  Not an ideal setting for a packed class if you ask me but let’s get back to my story.

As I attended this mornings packed session I came to the realization that the smaller class attendees are less inclined to compete. Not so sure if this is a good or bad thing but I would love for my readers to share their insights.

So here’s what I observed. This  mornings class had around 20 attendees. It was packed with students stretched from wall to wall. As the class was getting ready to begin, a yoga mate made a comment about how the packed classes tend to motivate him more. He said that the added pressure to keep a pose in front of all the other students kept him focused. He then added that he would never want to be the first student to fall out of a position let alone sit out for one of the poses. I looked to see the reaction of other students and i was pretty shocked to see several people nodding in agreement. This interaction really made me think.balancing stick

Now I haven’t been a yoga practitioner for very long but I can recall what drew me to the practice. Yoga is typically practiced to center ones mind. It is said that yoga promotes the stilling of the mind’s disturbances so you can experience life at its deepest and most profound levels.  It is practiced to relieve the stress and tension of ones daily routine in order to  promote a more peaceful state conducive to confidence, grace and calm efficiency in pressured situations.  These are the things that drew me to practicing yoga. I desired a sense of peace and stillness. I yearned for some form of exercise that would not only promote physical health but would impact my mind in a positive way as well. I wanted to reward myself with 90 minutes a day to clear my mind of its daily stresses and devote sometime to just be. No random worries or concerns of the day or week would be allowed to invade my mind during this “alone” time. I would have 90 minutes to break from the worries of my world in exchange for a very gratifying sense of release.

So how does competition come into play? The male student that commented in my class this morning really caused me to question why social settings constantly have a tendency of being just another venue to compete. Must it always be about looking better or being the best? I personally joined yoga for the reasons I mentioned above. If  I were to devote my 90 minutes to looking around the room to see which one of my fellow yoga mates was about to drop first I would be doing myself a huge disservice. I would lose sight of my own progress in the class and in addition I might start to place added pressure on myself to think I’m not doing as well as I should be in comparison to some of the other students.

Now I know a little competition can serve as a motivator for some, but isn’t there a healthier alternative? Being in the moment and building on your own strengths and abilities might prove more beneficial. If you can focus all of your energy on your own actions and allow yourself to be the sole judge of your progress you will begin to see how less critical you are of yourself. Put less of an emphasis on what others might be thinking of you and more emphasis on what you are doing in the moment.  What ever happened to the art of learning? Perhaps learning has become more about learning to have a competitive edge rather than learning for personal growth, development or more simply just for fun. Be confident in your actions and own them. Your strengths, abilities and talents are unique to you and therefore should be embraced. Namaste. Now let’s do yoga in peace! Ambition In The City

“Real learning comes about when the competitive spirit has ceased.” 
-Jiddu Krishnamurti