
Struggling with the Unknown

“Part ways with your perception of reality, allow the unknown and your curiosity muster into a visual you’ve never allowed yourself to see.” Elizabeth Lomeli

How often do we find ourselves struggling with the idea of the unknown?

When the unknown is all there is, should we really be stressing over what is in no way under our control?

Embracing what is possible is a way to balance one’s fear and hesitation towards forward movement. When we can take the time to identify what is possible, we open up a window to see what is out there for us. We provide ourselves with an opportunity to feel, taste, touch and even smell what could potentially be experienced if we just left our negative thoughts at the door and opened ourselves up to what could be.

Give yourself permission to wonder, to play to, be curious and to question the life that’s just waiting for you. There is no waiting for the perfect time or perfect circumstance. All we have is this moment. Look your fears in the face and speak to them. Acknowledge any inner critics you might have that are blocking you from taking action towards a better future. These inner critics only want to protect you, but what they also succeed at is keeping you small. Face them and break free of any limiting beliefs that have been dragging you down for all this time. You CAN and SHOULD experience all that is good and wonderful in this life. Open your eyes and open your heart to the unknown.

Ambition in the City

Happiness Challenge Day 4



September 11th, Day 4 of the Happiness Challenge

1. Music makes me happy. It always amazes me how a particular song can impact me in such a powerful way. No matter where I am, certain songs have a way of transporting me back in time. Whether they help me to remember a loved one or empower me to keep fighting the good fight, music has a very special place in my heart. I still remember all the songs I used to listen to during those long drives with my mom on our mommy, daughter days. The song that was playing when I first got my heart-broken and the songs that remind me of those people who are longer by my side. Music comforts me in times of struggle and bring me closer to my power when I feel as though my situation appears hopeless. No matter the style of music, I can always I can always count on its ability to move me. I admire the individuals who create such works of art and I appreciate them for bringing such beauty to this world.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” Plato

2. Embracing my emotions makes me happy. As a cancer I am by nature an emotional person. Rarely can I ever hold back  or hide the way I feel. Often sympathetic to other feelings, I struggle at times with the idea that I must take on others emotions as my own. While I recognize this within myself it is not an easy task to master. Everyday I welcome the emotions that stir from within me. I embrace and acknowledge them in the moment and do my very best to share my feelings whenever appropriate. Ignoring or pushing these feelings down has never served me. Historically it has only led me to brood over the things that make me unhappy. This only serves as a barrier to forward movement. Today I consistently practice embracing my truth. Whether pleasant or unpleasant our emotions are meant to be heard. They guide us to authenticity and to greater learning.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” Helen Keller

3. Practicing self-love make me happy. As a life coach I encounter quite a number of people whom struggle to love themselves. “I am not enough” is often a common theme I hear coming from individuals. Practicing self-love takes a lot of effort in a society that is constantly comparing you to others. Stepping out as a unique individual takes courage. I find that tag lines and mantra’s often aid me in my practice towards self-love. It is easy to fall into the habit of being overly critical of oneself, but it takes practice and patience to acknowledge the good we all have within us. Everyday I choose an area or quality in myself that needs attention and love. I focus my energy on building that area up and giving it the love and support it needs to overcome any of my negative thought patterns. I will repeat these positive words to myself from the start of my day. It sets the tone for the way I show up to the world and in addition, how I show up for myself. Learning to love oneself is not selfish in any way. It is healthy and absolutely necessary. We should be our greatest supporters and we should love who we are no matter what. 

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.” Aberjhani 

 “I am powerful in my love for myself. The truth of my being is I love myself exactly as I am. I honor my empowered heart.” Amy Leigh Mercree


Ambition in the City


Back to Life

BUMP-ON-MUM-ON-BOARD-TYPEHi my lovely ambitioninthecity readers. My sincerest apologies for not having posted in quite some time. It has been a very busy couple of months for me. I had to take a break from posting due to travels and some exciting life changes that have recently come up.

This January I will be expecting my first baby! I am excited to begin this next chapter in my life and am looking forward to seeing where this new adventure will take me and my amazing partner. I hope to return to blogging now that I have passed my first trimester and survived the lovely beginning symptoms of pregnancy. With a renewed sense of energy, I hope to bring Ambition in the City back to life. My coaching practice is still thriving in NYC but I really have missed connecting with people all over the globe. I look forward to writing again and I cannot wait to read all of your wonderful posts. It is good to be back!

I am ready to embrace all the new insights and learning I am sure to experience over the next few months and I look forward to sharing these insights with you all.

Thank you for all of your continued support.

Happy Blogging,

Ponder This…

What will you STOP rejecting and what will you START embracing? 


Illustration Credit: suzannerivard.com





Do Stuff!!

Get out there and do stuff that matters! Go big, be bold and above all stop waiting for opportunities to present themselves. Create the life you want today! – Happy Matters LLC

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For more information on living fully email me at creyeros@gmail.com

Now offering a complimentary coaching session to those that are CURIOUS about taking the next steps towards the life they have always envisioned. Sessions are offered in person or via Skype. Let’s get connected today! 

Ponder This…

What risks are you willing to take to get you where you want to be? 


When you take risks you gift yourself with the opportunity to learn. Regardless if your attempt is a success or a failure, learning brings with it its own rewards. Take pride in the risks you have taken. In the grand scheme of things the lessons are just as important as the desired outcome.

Ambition In The City

Unlocking Your Right Brain Power


Unlocking your right brain involves tapping into that part of yourself that houses your true authenticity and aliveness. When we function solely with our left brain we silence all that is unique and beautiful about ourselves.  Stop basing all of your decisions and actions on what’s logical, practical, and strategic, and start living from your intuition, inner yearning, and creativity. By stifling those aspects of ourselves that make us distinct we deny the world from experiencing all that we have to contribute. There is no amount of books or education that can replace what is inherently unique and wonderful about you. Share those thoughts, ideas, gifts, and talents with the world as they emerge. Your purpose in this world should never be forfeited to appease what the world thinks is realistic and or within your control. Step beyond what you think is logical and test the limits of your creativity and power. When we connect with our courage, confidence, and choice we allow for the flood gates of our right brain to open. Let your ideas flow and have faith in all that is possible. What’s your right brain got to say?

Ambition In The City

Competition Versus Creativeness

“Competition attempts to be like. Creativeness attempts to be unlike.” -U. S Anderson I don’t know about you, but I choose to be unlike anyone out there. We were each put on this earth with a unique purpose. In the entire world there is no one like you. Stop trying to be what you think others want you to be. Let’s stop being ridiculous, and embrace the fact that we are each essential in our own way. You have been living in the trap of competition for long enough. Why fight to have the same as everyone else when you can strive to obtain something different? Let go of the idea that the value system of the group is the same as your own. What do you value? What do have you to contribute that is good, and true, and unique?

Just as a painter puts paint to canvas with only his/her imagination and creativity guiding his vision, so too should we lead our individual lives. Paint the life you envision suiting your wants, and needs, not the life you see suiting others. It is only when we see value in our individual existence that we can look at life with creativity and wonder. We will take risks and explore every desire, every question, and every ambition that rises from within our minds. We will trust our intuition and resourcefulness, and know that every move we make manifested because we saw fit to make it so.



Ambition In The City

Say YES Today

How many times have you shied away from saying YES to you? 



Say YES today! I challenge you all to say YES to 5 things that will bring you joy today. When we say YES we acknowledge ourselves in a way that no one else can. We honor our truth and we step fully into our power. Stop putting your needs and desires on the back burner. When we say yes to ourselves we honor our needs and values. Let go of the notion that saying yes is self-serving.  How we treat ourselves sets the tone for how others treat us. Love yourself enough to say YES! Stop dreaming about a better life. Act upon it today.

Ambition In The City

Keep Moving Forward

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Image Credit: Dougal Waters via Getty Images


It’s not always easy to leave things in the past but we can never truly heal until we open our eyes to all that is still ahead of us. What are you looking forward to? 

Ambition In The City