
Ponder This…

What will you STOP rejecting and what will you START embracing?

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Chasing Happiness


I never thought I was one to chase happiness. I was always taught that happiness was just a by-product of your gratefulness towards life. When I think of where my life has taken me in this past year, I now realize that I was in fact one of the many people who chased goals and accomplishments down in an effort to  truly feel satisfied with my life. While the journey and all its ups and downs are what really help people to achieve a happy life, I like so many others, lost sight of the hours and days spent trying to achieve happiness and never allowed myself to just be. In my 28 years of life, I struggled to find happiness in all things. Whether it was in my academic career, my romantic relationships, or even my work life, my motivation was always to do great now so I can be even greater later. I never sat down to enjoy small success or minor victories. My actions were all a means to an end that in some respect were never later achieved. So what can we do when we realize we’ve been chasing happiness all along? I for one have decided to embrace choice and move forward. No longer worried about what will be, I look to embrace what is now. Like the quote states, “Happy people don’t have the best of everything; they made the best of everything.” Embrace each day for its limitless possibilities. Strive to be happy everyday and not “one day” soon. It is the moments we experience now that matter most. After 28 years of chasing my happy future, I have decided to allow happiness to finally catch up to me. It has been here all along just waiting to be acknowledged. I’m ready to embrace it and find it in all things around me. What will you decide?

Embrace Choice and Keep Moving Forward

10 Tips to Finding Happiness Now

1. Be Present


Commit to living for the experience. It’s so easy to get caught up in our “future thinking” that we forget to embrace true moments of happiness as they happen. BE PRESENT! Commit to enjoy each day as it passes. Regardless if you are wondering what will come next embrace the now and allow its gifts to present themselves. There is so much learning and growth that can be experienced if we just permitted ourselves to be more present. “True happiness is… to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca

2. Let Your Passions Be Your Guide

Regarding our daily activities or career meaningful is vital to living a happy life. As a tool for self exploration, I find it helpful to create a passion list. What are your passions? What have you always wanted to do but never went after? As children we change career ambitions like we change our underwear, but as we get older these early desires begin to fade for the more “realistic” path. Look to your inner child and ask them what they are still yearning to experience in life. As someone who once gave up my passion for writing, I have to tell you, its feel amazing to be back! I feel as though I have reconnected with an old friend and it’s as if we never skipped a beat. List your passions on paper and determine for yourself what it is you have been looking for all this time. It’s never too late to acknowledge that inner yearning. Cultivating your passion with commitment and enthusiastic curiosity will only bring you closer to experiencing true happiness. While it is hard to adopt this type of mindset, attention must be given to our passions. If your motivating factor is the paycheck, you may be depriving yourself of a chance to do your true life’s work. When you can attach purpose to your work, satisfaction and happiness are sure to follow. “Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” Buddha

3. Respect the Body


The healthier you are, the more you exercise and eat right, the more likely you will lead a happy life. While it is so easy for us to take our bodies for granted, it is vital that we protect and preserve this beautiful shell we reside in. Take time to nourish the body. Be mindful of the things you put in it and be mindful of the messages our body regularly sends us. Only you can be responsible for the care of this fragile vessel. Be proactive and take the necessary preventive care measures. Your body will be so grateful to you and your mind will be all the more at peace. Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps to reduce ones stress level and has been known to increase ones overall energy towards life. If you intend on living a long life filled with wonder and exploration you must protect the vehicle that is vital in getting you where you want to go in life. “In yourself right now is all the place you’ve got.” Flannery O’Connor

4. Nurture Relationships That Matter 

When it comes to wanting happiness for yourself it’s vital that you surround yourself with positive people who exude happiness themselves. There is no better feeling then the one you get when you cultivate a circle of like-minded, loving individuals that share in life’s special moments beside you. These people are with you during good times and bad. They build you up and share in your accomplishments and significant life experiences. They are honest and dedicated to nurturing the relationship you represent for them. Take care of these relationships as they bring meaning and clarity to your life. Nurture those people who matter to you most. Never take these invaluable people for granted. “The quality of life is the quality of your relationships.” Anthony Robbins

5. Lend a Hand keep-calm-and-help-others-16

It feels so good when you can help your fellow-man/woman. I have often heard it said that when you lend a hand to others you are filled with feelings of joy, appreciation, and inner goodness. Seek opportunities to help others. Not only will you make someone’s day, week, or life, you will bring joy and happiness into your own heart and that’s a beautiful thing. “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” John Holmes

6. Look to the World around You 

Whenever you come to a crossroads in your life look to those around you for strength and inspiration.  Happiness and the courage to change your situation can come when we see others around us who have overcome similar struggles. While no two people are the same we can pull valuable lessons from others stories of courage and perseverance. It is possible to change your course at a moments notice. We see people do it everyday. Why go through life on autopilot when you can take back that control and be the steward of your journey. Transformation occurs when we allow ourselves to be inspired. Listen to others stories of change and allow yourself to see that we too can be transformed when we are open to it. Look to these stories to awaken your inner curiosity and creativity. The possibilities for change and transformation are limitless if you open to uncovering them. I admire people who open themselves up to experience what I like to call an awakening. While once they would consider themselves unhappy and dissatisfied with life, they now have complete control and are happily moving forward on the course they were destined to travel all along. Look to others for inspiration and empowerment. You too can decide to make a change to be happy now. “Change is the end result of all true learning.” Leo Buscaglia

7. Keep Love Alive hands_in_shape_of_heart

A huge part of the journey to achieving true happiness consists of giving and receiving love. To have love in your life requires that you practice having both an open heart and an open mind. Love is an emotion when embraced can really help you to become the person you always knew you were meant to be. Love and happiness easily go hand in hand. Love can lift you up during the darkest times and can motivate you during the best of times. When we feel loved we feel secure in our lives and as a result are empowered to do and be better. Sky’s the limit when you have love in your life. Open your mind to accepting love and watch as your perception of the world shifts. You will be more likely to love and happier because of it. “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Paulo Coelho

8. Give Value to Experiences

I live for experiences! Memorable experiences make me feel alive and they make me feel connected to the people that matter most to me. Happiness is long-lasting when we take time to place value on the experiences we have and share with others. You can get so much more from an intimate dinner with friends or loved ones than you can from a new expensive purse that will probably go out of style in 6 months. When it comes to happiness create opportunities that will having meaning for you. Plan a romantic vacation with your significant other. Send a handmade heartfelt card to someone close to you that needs it. The emotions that emerge during these moments are powerful and everlasting. While the accumulation of possessions can be nice, these things only provide temporary happiness. “Life is about experience…You can’t hold on to everything.” Sarah Addison Allen It’s the experience and the moments you create that you remember the most. Allow yourself to experience these moments fully. A happy memory can be tapped into at anytime and can result in the recharging of your happiness levels. Live for the experience and keeping making memories. “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt 

9. Get Out There! 

Building community is a vital component to achieving inner happiness.  Whether you are part of a religious community or a friendly reading group, being a part of a greater whole can bring joy and purpose to one’s life. Spend time reviewing your passion list and see if any of those interests you identified can connect you with like-minded people. Get out there and build relationships. Joining a group can not only help you to cultivate your interests but it can also aid you in your search for authenticity and true happiness. “Interest and enthusiasm are the wellspring of continually evolving community life: they create bonds which unite us whether we are young or old, nearby or far from each other; they allow human warmth and love to be the formative forces in personal and community life and striving.” Henning Hansmann

10. Know When to Ask for Help helping-hand

When times are tough and you feel stuck seek guidance without fear of judgment. Look to your close friends or family members with whom you can confide in. Listen to your inner voice as it tells you that you need more and that something needs to change. If family or friends just don’t seem to get it, you might come to realize that a coach or therapist is the more suitable person to hear you out. There is no shame in asking for help and there is definitely no shame in loving yourself enough to take charge of your own happiness. Seek out the help of someone who will empower you to see your true potential and inner strength.  Get to know yourself again by identifying those things you love and are passionate about. As your coach challenges you and champions your efforts you will begin to see that happiness, clarity, and a new outlook on life are sure to follow. “The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.” Deepak Chopra

“Happiness is the highest form of self-respect. A person who allows himself to be happy shows his self-respect.” Maery Rubin

Ambition In The City 

Hello December

Looking forward to a wonderful December filled with love, laughs, family and friends. What are some of your intentions for the month of December?


Ambition In The City

With Gratitude

Sending thoughts of gratitude and love to all my readers.

Wishing you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. 


Ambition In The City 

Celebration Vacation


Hi WordPress Family !

This week I will be flying out to Miami to celebrate an important milestone in my life. Surrounded by my wonderful boyfriend, my family and friends, I will be celebrating the many gifts I have been blessed with this year.  I am at a place in my life where I am completely content. I feel complete in so many ways and for that I am very grateful. I have love, I have friendships, I have passion, and I have an endless amount of joy in my life. It’s a beautiful time for me and I want to share it with you all.

This week I will take the time to celebrate me. My journey has been a long one full of unique challenges, but the lessons and growth that’s come from them all is absolutely invaluable. I am grateful for every challenge, every heartbreak, every disappointment, and every struggle I have ever encountered. I carry each and every battle scar with honor and pride. These wounds, these struggles have made me into the woman I am today. I own them, and I celebrate them. Our experiences are what make us. I am happy to be in this body and to see the world through these eyes. This is me and I am happy. I am thankful for having been born into a wonderful family filled with some of the most courageous and loving people. You inspire me everyday and I don’t know how I could ever get by without all the gifts you bring to my life. I am blessed to walk along side you in this world.  

Today I write this post as a thank you letter to all those I have ever encountered. Good or bad our exchanges, our relationships, our good times and our bad times have all brought me here. Thank you for impacting me, pushing me, and inspiring me. Thank you for crossing paths with me. I needed each and every one of you. This week I will carry you all with me. You each have a place in my heart and I will forever be indebted to you.

This week I celebrate life. I commit to sharing my joy and to giving thanks. I am enjoying this ride and look forward to seeing where the future will take me next.

I challenge you all to take notice of this moment. This is your life. Celebrate you and thank those who have helped shape you into the person you are today. You are amazing. Always remember that.

“Life is what you celebrate. All of it.” ― Joanne Harris

Ambition In The City

I Give Myself Permission to…

This weekend I give myself permission to do those things that bring me joy. I will paint, write, meditate, exercise, and most importantly, spend quality time with the people that I love. What will you give yourself permission to do this weekend?



Happy Friday Everyone!

Ambition In The City

Spread the Love

Spread the love and hit “Like” on my facebook business page. 😮


“Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. For we are connected, one and all.” – Deborah Day

Ambition In The City


“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Mother Teresa
Happy Friday Everyone. Sending a smile your way. 😮


Ambition In The City

I Am Willing to Change

I am willing to release old, negative beliefs.

They are only thoughts that stand in my way.

My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling. 

Take a few seconds each morning to recite this mantra to yourself. Whether you find yourself reciting these words silently in bed, in front of the mirror as you look upon your own reflection, or during your long commute to work, let these words emerge, and allow them settle into your heart and mind.  Help to set the tone for each new day by embracing these words and truly living the meaning behind them. Settle into the present and notice what’s alive inside you. Let these feelings guide you on your path to purpose and fulfillment. These new thoughts will help to shift the way you engage with and see the world. When we learn to make these subtle shifts within our minds we are given the amazing gift of possibility.  Change your mind and you can change the world.


Ambition In The City

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

imagesThank you Naresh @ Reflections: Ankit Chhibber’s Blog for this award. I really appreciate this lovely compliment.

The award rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
4. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

And, I nominate these 15 bloggers……

1. Dyan Diamond @ dyandiamond

2. Kikibee @ Thegirlwiththescorpiontattoo

3. Keladelaide @ FreeLittleWords

4. imhotbutimhuman 

5. Dudzi @ Scribbles and Thoughts 

6. Summer @ GrowYourInnerSelf

7. Kerri @ KerriChronicles 

8. Jonae @ VictoriousExhortations

9. Uwana @ Uwana

10. Sashakiana @ Unlockyourself

11.  whocouldknowthen

12. Mary @ lifeisfullofsweetspots

13. Janice @ JANICE

14. Watchfulsavvy

15. Ubiquity 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of my lovely readers. Thank you for all your support and feedback.  Wishing everyone a wonderful day.